General intention
The last twenty years have witnessed an exceptionally fast development in the field of the extra solar planets. While the detection of exoplanets is an important ongoing field of activity, the characterization of their atmospheres has just begun and it is developing very rapidly.
The European Exoplanets-A project is aimed at providing a comprehensive view of the nature of exoplanet atmospheres, through an interdisciplinary approach, which includes the integration of state of the art models of the star-planet interaction, atmospheric chemistry and dynamics and planet formation.
The Exoplanets-A knowledge server provides scientific and educational resources through the two main pages: the Science page and the Learning page.
Science intention
The science page includes a knowledge base with direct access to all the scientific products of the project:
- Archival data with links to other tools and databases of the NASA and ESA space missions ;
- Novel methods and tools for characterizing exoplanet atmosphere ;
- Coherent and uniform databases of exoplanet and host star parameters ;
- Peer-review publications.
Learning intention
The Learning page was designed for the general public with educational resources based on the science products:
- Online courses with videos, MOOC (massive open online course) and SPOC (Small Private Online Course) ;
- Serious games: applications in virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality ;
- Data visualization of exoplanetary system, space instruments, set of data…