Virtual Reality New digital application on the Sun and the Solar Orbiter mission SolAR Expedition is an augmented reality application that immersively shows you the planets of the solar system, the lights of our...
General information Some ideas during the lockdown To make lockdown less difficult, NASA proposes online activities, e-books, podcasts and other content: Play games or get homework help...
Exoplanet Observation 5 ways to find a planet How do astronomers find planets? There are mainly 5 detection methods. Some give more results than others. Discover these methods...
General information Le site internet sur JWST pour les francophones Si vous voulez en apprendre plus sur le futur télescope James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) ou suivre les dernières nouveautés,...
General information History Chronology of exoplanet discoveries A Planetary tour through time. The ancients debated the existence of planets beyond our own; now we know of thousands....
General information Nobel Prize in Physics 2019 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2019 was awarded to an exoplanet team with one half jointly to Michel Mayor and...
General information Exoplanets-A knowledge server now open! 16.12.2019 – We are pleased to announce the publicly opening of the Exoplanets-A knowledge server! The Exoplanets-A knowledge server provides...
Online courses Une Websérie sur les exoplanètes L’Université Paris Saclay, le CEA et le projet de recherche européen H2020 Exoplanets-A proposent une série vidéos de vulgarisation autour...