Mercury BepiColombo’s second Mercury flyby A beautiful sequence of 56 images taken by the monitoring cameras on board the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission as the spacecraft...
GAIA Survey Gaia’s data release 3 ESA’s Gaia space telescope revolutionises our understanding of the Milky Way. It scans the sky to measure the position, movement,...
Webb NASA’s Webb In Full Focus, Ready for Instrument Commissioning Alignment of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is now complete. After full review, the observatory has been confirmed to be...
Asteroid Science participative Global Citizen Science Project Finds Over 1700 Asteroid Trails in Hubble Images Combining artificial intelligence with many keen human eyes, astronomers have found 1701 new asteroid trails in archival data from the...
Rosetta Science participative ‘Spot the difference’ to help reveal Rosetta image secrets Today, ESA and the Zooniverse launch Rosetta Zoo, a citizen science project that invites volunteers to engage in a cosmic...
JWST Space mission NASA’s Webb Reaches Alignment Milestone, Optics Working Successfully On March 11, the Webb team completed the stage of alignment known as “fine phasing.” At this key stage in...
Perseverance Space mission NASA’s Perseverance Celebrates First Year on Mars by Learning to Run The rover has racked up a series of accomplishments, including new distance records, as it reaches the end of the...
ESA Space mission ESA Vigil: Earth’s devoted solar defender It’s the first mission of its kind, set to monitor our active and unpredictable Sun and help protect us from...
Plasma Workshop Conference on Partially Ionised Plasmas: PIPA2022 The next Partially Ionised Plasmas meeting will take place from June 6 to 10 in Budapest The dynamics of partially...
Exoplanet Proxima New planet detected around star closest to the Sun A team of astronomers using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) in Chile have found evidence of...