The next Partially Ionised Plasmas meeting will take place from June 6 to 10 in Budapest
The dynamics of partially ionized astrophysical plasmas is a relatively new and rapidly growing topic of research in various areas of astrophysics (solar lower atmosphere, interstellar medium, protostellar discs, planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres, etc). The rich physics occurring requires understanding the behaviour of plasmas where the dominant charge carriers are not always electrons, and where ionisation processes can have a critical impact on the global behaviour of the plasma. This meeting aims to broaden and strengthen the collaboration of scientists working in partially ionized plasmas across a wide range of parameters in astrophysics and space science and to develop common scientific interest that could enhance cross-collaborations between the different fields.
The PIPA2022 meeting includes contributions from all areas of Astrophysics in which partially ionised plasmas (PIPs) play an essential role:
- Fundamental processes and phenomena in partially and weakly ionised plasmas (radiation transfer, collisional and kinetic effects, etc.)
- Dynamical processes in partially and weakly ionised plasmas (waves, instabilities, flows, winds, etc.)
- Turbulence, dynamo and nonlinear processes
- Magneto-convection, reconnection
Registration, Abstract submission, and fee payment deadline : Sunday 8 May 2022