For some of the data used for the Exoplanets-A project, scientists are able to build a 3D model showing the temperature variations from the terminator to the day side of the planet.
The model were performed by the ARCIS software, using both transmission and eclipse data from Sptizer and Hubble data. These models also give information on the chemical composition and the pressure of the atmosphere of the exoplanet.
The animated images below represent these models convoluted by the human eye’s vision in order to see exoplanets as we would see them with our eyes.

55 Cnc e CoRoT 1b HAT P 32b HAT P 41b HD 189733b HD 209458b WASP 4b WASP 12b WASP 18b WASP 19b WASP 43b WASP 74b WASP 76b WASP 79b WASP 121b