ExoNoodle is a package aiming at generating the synthetic spectrum of a transient exoplanetary system for time series, to cover all or a portion of the light-curve.
The package is suitable for any spectroscopy instrument with compatible input contributions (wavelength range and resolution). Yet, it has been developed for the preparation of MIRI (JWST Mid-InfraRed Instrument) data processing, for observations of time-series in LRS-Slitless (Low Resolution Spectrometer).

ExoNoodle is a Python package to generate time-series spectra of star-planet systems, varying over time as the planet orbits around the star. ExoNoodle is a program that calculates the spectrum expected from the star and planet(s) system at each time-step of a time-series. Even though exoNoodle has been developed with MIRI-LRS (JWST Mid-InfraRed Instrument – Low Resolution Spectrometer mode) study case, it can be easily used for other MIRI observational modes or other instruments.
Special attention is taken to calculate precisely ingress and egress. It includes contributions from the spectrum coming from:
- – Star spectrum;
- – Stellar limb-darkening;
- – Planet day and night emission spectrum;
- – Planet reflection spectrum (Albedo);
- – Planet transmission spectrum (R_p/R_s(λ))